Press release from Hydrogen Europe, with which NVAS identifies
In Brussels on 14 September 2022-- Following the plenary vote on the Renewable Energy Directive II (RED II), NVAS welcomes the European Parliament's (EP) historic decision to commit to ambitious binding renewable energy targets and to simplify the regulatory framework.
Parliament has committed to the total contribution of energy from renewable sources to the total energy mix by 2030 in the amount of 45% ,which NVAS along with other stakeholders has always supported.
According to the REPowerEU announcement, the EU will aim for 10 million tonnes of green hydrogen to be produced in the EU and 10 million tonnes to be imported by 2030 – reflected in new binding targets for different sectors:
- renewable fuels of non-biological origin (RFNBO) at least 5.7% of all fuels by 2030, including 1.2% in the marine sector, which is difficult to reduce
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Press release from Hydrogen Europe, with which NVAS identifies