Slovak National Hydrogen Association (NVAS)

We contribute to the transformation of Slovak energy, industry and transport to a low-carbon one.

Slovak National Hydrogen Association (NVAS) was established in 2015 as a joint initiative of natural and legal persons with the aim of supporting research, introduction and use of new technologies that actively use hydrogen and fuel cells.

Its leadership participated in the preparation of the National Hydrogen Strategy and the Action Plan for the implementation of the Hydrogen Strategy objectives. 

It works closely with ministries, especially the Ministry of Economy, to help its members and partners ensure a suitable legislative and regulatory environment for building the hydrogen value chain in Slovakia.

Main goals:

  • Implementation of best practices within the Slovak Republic, formation of effective public policy and creation of legislation.
  • To benefit its members in terms of prompt delivery of news on regulatory decisions, new policies and technologies in the field of hydrogen and fuel cells. Build and share networks of potential business and professional partners.
  • Contribution to the transformation of Slovak energy, industry and transport to a low-carbon one.

NVAS is a member of:

NVAS also cooperates with Clean Hydrogen Partnership, which allows public-private partnerships at EU level in industrial research. Clean Hydrogen Partnership prepares its own strategic research agenda and funds projects selected through calls for proposals, applying the participation rules of the Horizon. The advantage of such cooperation is the possibility to apply for funding under Horizon Europe.

The current trend in the energy sector is to increase the efficiency of energy processes, to actively search for new sources and at the same time to bring ecologically acceptable possibilities of use. Hydrogen can provide answers to current questions in the field of energy, which include the depletion of fossil fuels, the search for a new suitable alternative as a fuel, especially in the field of transport, the accumulation of electricity produced from renewable sources and the elimination of greenhouse gases. So hydrogen is an option that offers a solution.

Main areas of activity:

  • Research and development, education in the field of hydrogen technologies
  • Building a positive public opinion about hydrogen among the lay public
  • Support for the use of hydrogen-based technologies in energy, transport, industry and households
  • Identification of suitable business models for the use of hydrogen in the conditions of Slovakia
  • Identification of barriers for better integration of hydrogen into the energy system of Slovakia
  • Active involvement in creation
  • Reminder of national policies for support and hydrogen in line with European policy
  • Support of cities and regions in the introduction of progressive and carbon-free hydrogen technologies
  • Communication with the European Commission and European hydrogen agencies in order to exchange information and participate in international projects
  • Cooperation with related associations for the purpose of finding synergies and mutual support in the modernization of the economic sector and strengthening the environmental awareness of the population of Slovakia

Main areas of activity:

  • Research and development, education in the field of hydrogen technologies
  • Building a positive public opinion about hydrogen among the lay public
  • Support for the use of hydrogen-based technologies in energy, transport, industry and households
  • Identification of suitable business models for the use of hydrogen in the conditions of Slovakia
  • Identification of barriers for better integration of hydrogen into the energy system of Slovakia
  • Active involvement in policy making and commenting on national policies for the promotion of hydrogen in line with European policy
  • Support of cities and regions in the introduction of progressive and carbon-free hydrogen technologies
  • Communication with the European Commission and European hydrogen agencies in order to exchange information and participate in international projects
  • Cooperation with related associations for the purpose of finding synergies and mutual support in the modernization of the economic sector and strengthening the environmental awareness of the population of Slovakia

NVAS Executive Committee


Mgr. Ján Weiterschütz, MSc.

He is an important leader in the field of hydrogen technologies and from June 2021 he holds the position of chairman of the National Hydrogen Association of Slovakia. He is a graduate of the Technical University of Vienna in the field of Renewable Energy Systems. He has experience in the preparation, implementation and management of projects in the field of renewable energy sources. His goal is to use the acquired knowledge and experience and actively contribute to building a national hydrogen ecosystem to mitigate climate change, increase the state's energy security and stabilize energy prices.

Under his leadership and with the support of international hydrogen agencies, there is a transfer of knowledge and experience, which enables

the successful construction and sustainable operation of emerging hydrogen valleys, in connection with the creation of new business opportunities and jobs. With his active involvement in the preparation of the National Hydrogen Strategy and the Action Plan, it demonstrates its determination to transform Slovakia into a carbon-neutral society.

He cooperates with representatives of industry, municipalities, the third sector, science and research to identify barriers preventing the introduction of hydrogen technologies into practice. He is working on editing strategic, legislative and regulatory documents so that his plans turn into reality and Slovakia becomes a better place to live.


Ing. Peter Hegeduš

Peter has been a member of the executive committee since 2018. He has extensive experience in the management, preparation, implementation and operation of several projects focused on renewable energy sources in Slovakia and abroad. He is a co-founder and executive member of several associations bringing together interested parties in the selected type of renewable energy sources. In his practice, he has experience in the creation, commenting and creation of legislative standards and strategies in Slovakia.

Ing. Samuel Babjak

Samuel is the founder of the Slovak National Hydrogen Association with many years of experience in the field of creating business structures, developing new activities and projects, and introducing new technologies to the market. As part of his activities, he operates in the areas of electricity production from renewable energy sources, smart solutions and new technologies in transport and transportation of people and goods, construction of operation and maintenance of infrastructure and use of the most modern procedures and technologies in agriculture.

Ing. Peter Blaškovitš

Peter Blaškovitš has been a member of the NVAS executive committee since 2021, currently as a nominee of VUJE, a.s. and a representative of large companies. He was the general director of the Slovak Innovation and Energy Agency (SIEA), where he covered a wide range of activities from projects focused on innovative solutions, energy efficiency to the use of renewable energy sources.



Mgr. Martin Svoboda

Martin Svoboda je riaditeľom Sekcie inovácií a medzinárodných vzťahov na Slovenskej inovačnej a energetickej agentúre. Má skúsenosti v inovačnej politike, strategickom rozvoji a medzinárodnej spolupráci. Podieľal sa na tvorbe politík rozvoja klastrov a strategických dokumentov pre podporu inovácií a ich financovania. Aktívne sa zapája do medzinárodných projektov v oblasti deeptech startupov, digitálnych inovačných hubov, inovácií a energetiky. Spolupracuje aj s Južnou Kóreou a Izraelom na rozvoji slovenského inovačného ekosystému.