Why join the Slovak National Hydrogen Association (NVAS)?

What can the private sector expect from membership in the Slovak National Hydrogen Association

  1. Through the introduction and use of the hydrogen economy, the company will achieve a reduction in production costs
  2. Creating new business opportunities, e.g.: creating new business relationships, expanding production, the possibility of using funds from the European Union
  3. Higher possibility of competitiveness
  4. Positive PR
In what way is it possible to fulfill the expectations of the private sector

  1. By creating a clear and prospective legislative environment for the introduction of hydrogen in the conditions of the Slovak Republic
  2. Support schemes that will help introduce hydrogen technology into practice
  3. Public acceptance and subsequently the creation of demand for more ecological goods and services
  4. Ensuring access to information about the possibility of drawing funds from the European Union

How to become a member

If you are considering becoming a member of NVAS, please study the attached documents - statutes, Clean Hydrogen Charter and the amount of annual fees. The amount of the annual fee depends on whether you are a natural person, a scientific research institution, an educational institution, a non-profit organization, a civil association, or a company.

Ak ste sa rozhodli pre členstvo, vyplňte a podpíšte prihlášku na obidvoch stranách, podpíšte tiež Chartu čistého vodíka a pošlite prosím oba oskenované dokumenty e-mailom.

Within ten calendar days of delivery, we will send you by e-mail confirmation of the executive committee on acceptance as a member with an invoice for the payment of the membership fee.

Po uhradení poplatku sa stávate právoplatným členom NVAS. Členský poplatok na rok 2023 a 2024 platí na 1 kalendárny rok.